Aaron Reed is a 29 year old fitness model,bodybuilder and former WWE wrestler from Tampa, Florida. He comes from a small town in Oklahoma. He started working out at age 12 and started competing in bodybuilding at age 19. Aaron has been training for about 17 years. He played football and basketball in high school. He also boxed and wrestled. After high school in Oklahoma, he went on to study first business, and then Exercise and Nutrition. He is currently a sales rep for a toxicology lab. Aaron loves pounding the nails in the gym. He trains to get pumped. He enjoys explosive conditioning such as sprints, truck pushes, sleds and stairs. Aaron sticks to the principles of ‚ÄúA SuperNatural Lifestyle.‚Äù This is the book he wrote on nutrition that has made all of his achievements possible. Not to mention many professional athletes from the WWE, NFL as well as Bodybuilding, Fitness and Figure competitors. He is 100% Natural and loves it. Aaron tries to build his physique to look like a cross between Arnold and Frank Zane. He studied both of their posing and aesthetics constantly. Aaron was a 5 time NPC bodybuilding champion. He was the 2010 Gainesville Heavyweight and Overall Champion. We saw Aaron compete at the 2010 NPC Florida State Championships where he was the Super Heavyweight Champion. As a super heavyweight, he was always considered to lack mass to win at nationals. More recently, Aaron tried his hand at the new Men’s Physique Division of the NPC. His symmetry was now going to bring him success just like it did in bodybuilding except that in this new class, symmetry and aesthetics always over shadows size and bulk. In his first Men’s Physique show, Aaron won the 2011 NPC Orlando Metropolitan Overall Championship. At 6‚Äô7‚Äù tall, he was also the tallest to win that class to date. We are very pleased to add Aaron Reed to our roster of top fitness models and bodybuilders at NorthAmericanBodies.com!
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