Alek Pacocha is a 22-year-old fitness model and competitive athlete from South Florida. He has been doing photoshoots with top photographers and has appeared on magazine covers. Alek competes as a natural athlete, including the 2021 NPC Ultimate Grand Prix (1st Place Teen Classic Physique) and the 2019 NPC Holiday Classic (8th Place Open Classic Physique B). He also competed in NGA-sponsored natural shows including the 2022 NGA Florida State (Classic Physique Middleweight 1st Place and gaining PRO card and 1st Place Bodybuilding Middleweight and gaining PRO card and Best Poser Award). As a PRO athlete, he then competed at the 2022 NGA Pro/Am Universe where he won 1st Place in Bodybuilding and 3rd Place in Classic Physique. We look forward to Alek’s progress in the sport and we are pleased to add Alek Pacocha to our roster of top bodybuilders and fitness models at NorthAmericanBodies.com!
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