Alex Fontaine is a 21 year old firefighter and natural bodybuilder from Quebec, Canada, who’s been competing since 2004. He is 5’11” tall and weights 200 lbs. In 2007, Alex won the Junior bodybuilding class at the FAME Nationals in Toronto, and then he also placed 2nd in the advanced heavyweight bodybuilding class and finally 3rd in the Muscle Model open contest. Alex loves bodybuilding and fitness modeling. At the FAME Worlds in Toronto, Alex did his photoshoot with NorthAmerianBodies. Alex says he really enjoyed the experience–preparing his physique and then performing for the camera to make great pictures. In the future,Alex wants to be a FAME Pro bodybuilder and professional fitness model, and to appear on the cover of magazines. He loves to train and can see this as a something that he will continue to do for the rest of his life. A very determined and disciplined individual, Alex likes to be a role model for others–too live healthy and achieve dreams. We expect to see alot more from Alex in the future, and for now, we are very pleased to add Alex to the roster of upcoming bodybuilders and fitness models at NorthAmericanBodies.com!
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