Anthony Bevilacqua is a 21 year old fitness model, bodybuilder and personal trainer from Queens, New York. He is the founder and creator of ABFitnessTrainer. He is a successful natural bodybuilder and has been a competitive athlete all his life and it just seems like bodybuilding fits right in for him. In 2008 he competed in the OCB Mid-Atlantic Classic, and placed 3rd in the Novice Class. In 2007 Anthony entered several competitions including the INBF Beyond 2000 Hercules placing 4th out of 19 Novice Class competitors, the INBF Long Island Experience placing 4th in the Novice Middleweights, and the INBF Natural Universe placing 3rd in the Novice Class. His goal is to become a WNBF (World Natural Bodybuilding Federation) Pro and compete all around the world! Anthony’s story starts out in a small apartment in Brooklyn the late 1980‚Äôs. Much like every other child he was born to a loving mother and father, except for one difference – he was a huge baby at ten pounds and twenty-two inches! His parents always bragged on how he was the biggest baby in the hospital. He was a curious child, always getting into trouble because he was into doing everything himself. One thing led to the next and Anthony was finally introduced to sports. He played basketball for almost 5 years. Then high school came and he still remembers his first day of weightlifting class with all the huge seniors walking past him. They seemed almost God-like and Anthony was determined from that moment forth to be the biggest and the fittest. He was always very skinny so this would be a challenge. He read every fitness article and book until he stumbled upon the man – Arnold Schwarzenegger. His body amazed Anthony, and this pushed him to continue his research into the field of bodybuilding. Just for the record Anthony graduated as the biggest and strongest senior in his high school. From his research, Anthony came across a personal training company. At that moment he knew that he wanted to become a personal trainer because he understood the value of consistency and commitment. Anthony has earned his ISSA and NESTA certifications to not only show others the benefit of training but to also provide and safe and controlled routine which will help you get the body you want, and live the healthy lifestyle you deserve. He was named as a bodybuilding.com Trainer of the Month. He is currently enrolled in Queens College majoring in nutrition and exercise science. We are pleased to add Anthony Bevilacqua to our roster of top fitness models and bodybuilders at NorthAmericanBodies.com!
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