Chris Nelson is a 22 year old bodybuilder, competitive athlete and personal trainer from Florida. He stands 5?11? tall and weighs 235 pounds. His arms measure 18?, chest 48? and legs 22?. As a freshman in high school, all he did was play baseball. He started weightlifting for his school and started getting all the bodybuilding magazines to learn about the sport. In his junior year he got in a really bad car accident and his weightlifting ended. He started going back to the gym a year later at 17 where the owner of the gym re-introduced him to bodybuilding and convinced Chris to compete. He waiting until he was 18 to compete in his first show, and from there Chris has been quite successful. Among his competitions are the 2016 NPC Nationals (11th Class E Men’s Physique), 2016 NPC Southern States (3rd Class D Men’s Physique), 2016 NPC Branch Warren Championships (6th Class C Men’s Physique), 2016 NPC Central Florida (1st Class C Men’s Physique), 2014 NPC Europa Championships (1st Teen Bodybuilding), 2015 NPC Sunshine Classic (1st Teen and 3rd Novice Bodybuilding), 2013 NPC Hurricane Bay (2nd Teen and 3rd Heavyweight Bodybuilding), and the 2013 NPC Valenti Gold Cup (1st Teen Bodybuilding). We photographed Chris at several of his shows starting as a teen, and also in Orlando and Naples, Florida. We are very pleased to add Chris Nelson to our roster of top bodybuilders and fitness models at NorthAmericanBodies.com!
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