Cody is a 23 year old natural bodybuilder from Long Island. He has competed in several bodybuilding contests, including the 2005 INBF All-Natural Revolution (3rd Place Novice Middleweight), the 2006 INBF Reloaded (2nd Place Novice Middleweight) and the 2007 IBNF Naturalmania (2nd Place Novice B Class). Most recently Cody competed at the 2008 INBF Naturalmania, where he won his class and the Overall Novice Title! We photographed Cody at the Naturalmania held in Manhattan. Cody is 5’6″ tall and weighs 156 lbs. when competing (190 off-season). He has a 32″ waist, 45″ chest, 23″ thighs and 18.5″ biceps. He has been weight training for many years, but hitting the weights seriously for the past 3 years. He is a fan and participant in XWA, Extreme Wrestling! We hope to see Cody compete further, and we are very pleased to be able to add him to our roster of upcoming bodybuilders and fitness models at NorthAmericanBodies.com!
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