Colin Spillane is an upcoming bodybuilder from Connecticut. He has competed in several bodybuilding competitions, including the 2008 INBF Northeast Classic in which he placed 1st in the Novice Lightweight Class and 4th in the Junior Class. In 2009, Colin competed in the INBF Natural Connecticut Bodybuilding & Figure Pro-Qualifier in which he placed 9th in the Lightweight Class. We met Colin when he competed at the 2009 INBF Hercules Bodybuilding and Figure Championships held in Manhattan, in which Colin place 5th in the Middleweight Class. With the help of NAB photographer Steve Roberts, we were able to briefly photograph Colin at the Hercules show after prejudging. We hope to see Colin compete further and for now are pleased to add Colin to our roster of upcoming bodybuilders and fitness models at NorthAmericanBodies.com!
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