Corey Darrah is a certified personal trainer and competitive athlete. He has competed in several NPC contests, His first shows were in 2017, the NPC Palmetto Classic (placed 2nd in Bodybuilding Middleweight and 3rd in Classic Physique Class A) and the NPC Charlotte Cup (5th Place in Classic Physique Class A). Several years later, in 2023 Corey competed again, at the Mid-Atlantic Classic (1st Place Bodybuilding Middleweight and 1st Place Classic Physique Class A and Overall).. With his success at this show, Corey Darrah decided to enter the Amateur Olympia Championships held in Orlando, Florida. Corey place 1st in the Bodybuilding Middleweight Class, and he also entered Classic Physique, where he won 1st Place in Class A and then went on to win a Pro Card. We photographed Corey at the Amateur Olympia, and we are very pleased to add Corey Darrah to our roster of top bodybuilders and fitness models at NorthAmericanBodies.com!
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