Corey Hammac is from Lexington Kentucky and 26 years of age. He has been into lifting and sports nutrition since he was a freshman in high school. Around his senior year, he became a huge fan of bodybuilding and has loved it for the last 10 years. In 2008 he started training with a coach to start getting ready to compete in bodybuilding, but could never fully commit to it because of being in college, work, and having practice 4 times a week as a University of Louisville cheerleader, at which he won the 2011 Division 1A NCA National Championship and 2 World Championships with his cheerleading team. Once Corey graduated and was no longer practicing all the time, he needed something to do with his spare time. He knew plenty about nutrition and dieting in part from working at a major supplement retail chain for years and loved bodybuilding so he looked into the NPC Men’s Physique Division since he could not imaging himself being a 260 pound bodybuilder at 5’9” and enjoying life. Plenty of people said he would do well, because of his body type that seemed to be the type that was winning, and he was already used to being on a stage in front of thousands of people. Corey gave it a shot and instantly fell in love with it. He won his first 4 shows, which culminated in his winning an IFBB Pro Card at the 2012 NPC Nationals in Atlanta. Ever since, he has been working with clients as an ACSM personal trainer, both online and in person, and plans on going back to school eventually to get his CRNA and become a Nurse Anesthetist. We photographed Corey at the NPC Nationals in Atlanta. He plans to compete multiple times in Pro shows including on the Olympia stage. We are very pleased to add Corey Hammac to our roster of top fitness models and bodybuilders at NorthAmericanBodies.com!
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