Curt Griffin is a 29 year old bodybuilder, trainer and fitness model from Montreal. He is massive, at 6’4″ in height and 230 lbs! He has been lifting weights for about 10 years and really dedicated for the past five. He was an English major at McGill and is currently working on his masters degree. He is also pursuing his true love, training! Curt strives to be the healthiest person he can be, with physique and strength as just side benefits. He would also like, with the right sponsors, to be able to compete with all pros whether “natural” or not in the next couple years, ideally by 2011. Curt knows that kind of growth takes time! Most importantly, he wants to do this while staying a natural athlete. He has always been athletic, starting as a competitive swimmer, and then he began weightlifting when he stopped swimming. Curt switched over to football for a bit, but always continued to lift. He suffered a setback when he was diagnosed with Chrohn’s Disease in March 2006, and had to have 6 inches of his large intestine removed. It led to a major challenge and change in eating which led to his developing a keen interest in nutrition, which is why Curt believes now that the choice to train and eat healthy is no chore but a lifestyle choice, and he has learned to stay fit and eat right in order to stay healthy. Curt has competed with the FAME organization, including the 2009 FAME East Bodybuilding and Fitness Championships held in Montreal, where Curt was one of the night‚Äôs big winners and fan favorites, earning himself 1st place in both the Bodybuilding Novice Division and the Open Muscle Model Search. Next at the 2009 FAME Worlds, Curt placed 1st in the Men’s Advanced Muscle Model Class. We were able to photograph Curt at both events, and we look forward to seeing Curt Griffin’s progress as he strives to get bigger and compete as a pro. It is our pleasure to add Curt Griffen to the roster of top bodybuilding and fitness models at NorthAmericanBodies.com!
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