David is a 28 year old Iowa bodybuilder. We photographed David as he was competing in Las Vegas at the 2006 NPC USA Bodybuilding Championships. A light-heavyweight at 195 lbs., David packs alot of muscle on his 5’6″ frame. He has been training for 9 years. In 2003, David competed at the NPC Muscle & Fitness/Flex Magazine Mid USA & New Mexico State Bodybuilding Championships and he placed 2nd in the open heavyweight class. But what makes David extremely interesting and different are two facts! First, David makes his living as a funeral director. He does alot of his training in the basement of the family’s mortuary. If you’ve heard of the HBO show “Six Feet Under” then you know this show which focuses on this particular line of work. But secondly, and which ties in with David’s training and bodybuilding, David was asked to pose for a 2007 calendar entitled “Men of Mortuaries”, and which was shot in Long Beach, California, in the same cemetery where “Six Feet Under” was shot. David is Mr. August! Proceeds from sales of the calendar will go towards helping the fight against breast cancer, which was the main reason why David got involved in the project since due to experiences with an aunt who had breast cancer. David hopes to compete further in bodybuilding contests, and would like to pursue any opportunities that come his way in fitness modeling. We are very pleased to add David to the roster of top bodybuilding and fitness models at NorthAmericanBodies.com!
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