Erik competed in 2006 at the IFBB Worlds Bodybuilding Championships held in Manhattan, which is where we met him. This was his second bodybuilding show. Along with NAB photographer Steve Roberts, we captured images of Erik both on and off-stage. Erik, now 23, wrestled in high school and college, and lifted weights as part of his training for wrestling. When he stopped wrestling, Erik continued lifting and got more into bodybuilding. He attributes his progress in bodybuilding to his coach, Fred Borsmato. From upstate New York, Erik is currently attending chiropractic school in Georgia. He is 5’9″ tall and weighs 180 lbs in the off-season. Erik is an extremely attractive young man with a bright career ahead of him in bodybuilding as well as fitness modeling. We are very pleased to add Erik to the lineup of upcoming bodybuilders and fitness models at NorthAmericanBodies.com!
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