Fidel Perdomo is a 19 year old upcoming bodybuilder from Miami. He stands 5’5″ tall and has a contest weight of 160 lbs. and an off-season weight of 185 lbs. His biceps measure 17″, he has a 43″ chest, 22″ quads, 16″ calves and a 29″ waist. Fidel started lifting weights when he was just ten years of age, but his mother used to punish Fidel because she didn’t want him to lift weights. Of course, he still did and has never stopped because he loves it and finds nothing like the feeling he gets when he works out. He has an active sports background having practiced martial arts since he was five years old. He started doing Jujitsu and at the age of twelve he switched to kung fu which he did for two years. At the the age of fourteen Fidel started a style called Kuokushin Karate which he still practices. Even though he lifts weights, Fidel is a black belt and an instructor. He also does Gymnastics for fun but never professionally or competitive. Kyokushin in Japanese means the ultimate truth and the tattoo he has on his back says Kyokushin in Japanese. Fidel would like to do more fitness modeling. He has done some commercials in TV and modeled for a few photographers. So far he has only competed twice, first at the NPC Miami 2011 Championships where he got 1st place Teens, the Overall Teens and also Men’s Open 2nd place, and then at the 2011 NPC Southern States Championships, where he won 1st place in the Teen Middleweight Class. We saw and photographed Fidel at both shows. Fidel Perdomo has a very bright future in the sport and we are pleased to add him to our roster of upcoming bodybuilders and fitness models at NorthAmericanBodies.com!
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