Franceso Pignatti is an international personal trainer and on-line coach from Italy. He competes drug-free in bodybuilding. He has competed in many contests, including 2014 NPA Midlands (2nd Middleweight Class), 2014 UKBFF English Grand Prix, 2012 Italians NBFI ( 4th Middleweight Class), 2012 NPA South West (1st Novice Class), 2012 Italians AINBB ( 3rd Middleweight Class), 2012 AINBB Perugia (1st Mid-heavyweights Class), 2012 NPA Yorkshire (3rd Novice Class) and 2012 Musclemania North of Italy ( 4th Heavyweights). In 2017 Fran traveled to Florida to compete at the NGA Universe, where we photographed him and also at the beach the following day. We are very pleased to add Franceso Pignatti to our roster of bodybuilders and fitness models at NorthAmericanBodies.com!
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