Gabe is a teen bodybuilder from Southern Florida, who has competed in a couple of contests, including the NPC South Florida. But his biggest accomplishment to date has been his performance at the 2007 NPC Southern States Bodybuilding Championships held in Fort Lauderdale. Gabe dialed-in his conditioning for the show, ripped and lean, and he won his Teen weight class and went on to capture the Overall Teen Championships! We managed to photograph Gabe just before the finals of the Southern States show, and we were amazed at the photos. Gabe would have competed in and done very well at the NPC Teen Nationals, except that his first year of medical school created a scheduling conflict, and had to pass on that show (but it does show that Gabe has his priorities straight). We hope to see more of Gabe, but for now, we are very pleased to be the only site to feature Gabe on our roster of upcoming bodybuilding and fitness models at NorthAmericanBodies.com!
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