Gary Ullrich is 24 years old, and is from Michigan. His weight 154 pounds, and his biceps measure 17″, quads 26″, chest 46″, waist 28″ and calves 17″. Gary has a sports background as a hockey player for 18 years, which accounts for his amazing leg development. He has competed in several bodybuilding contests: 2006 Mr. Michigan (3rd place Teens & 1st Place Bantamweight Class), 2007 Mr. Michigan (5th place Lightweight Class), 2008 Mr. Michigan (1st place Lightweight Class), 2009 Mr. Michigan (2nd place Lightweight Class), 2010 Mr. Michigan (2nd place Lightweight), 2010 NPC John Simmons (1st place Middleweight Class) and 2011 Collegiate Nationals (1st place Lightweight Class). Gary started training at Lifetime Fitness in Shelby, Michigan in 2005 and has been taught to train by his best friend Ron Jar who competed at the Masters Nationals (Over 50 Light Heavyweight Class), and who has been a mentor and friend every step of the way to show him down the right path. We met Gary at the Collegiate Nationals in Pittsburgh, and photographed him the morning after his win. We expect to see more great things from Gary in the sport, and for now we are very pleased to add Gary Ullrich to our roster of top bodybuilding and fitness models at NorthAmericanBodies.com!
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