German David Pacheco is a fitness model and competitor from New York. He has competed in several NPC competitions in the Men’s Physique division, including the 2012 NPC Atlantic States (4th Class B), 2012 NPC Garden State (1st Class A), 2012 NPC Europa Battle of Champions (1st Class B and Overall), 2012 NPC Tri-State Championships (5th Tall Class), 2012 NPC Nationals (4th Class C), and 2013 NPC Jr. Nationals (4th Class C). German then entered the 2013 NPC Team Universe and by placing 1st in Class C, he earned his IFBB Pro Card. He then has competed as a Pro in several shows, including the 2013 Valenti Gold Cup (11th Place), 2014 New York Pro (7th Place), 2014 Pittsburgh Pro (7th Place), 2014 Toronto Pro (2nd Place), 2014 Omaha Pro (Winner) and the 2014 Mr. Olympia (12th Place). We met and photographed German in Atlanta at the 2012 NPC Nationals, and again at a couple of his other shows. German Pacheco has had a lot of success in his competitions, and we are pleased to add him to our roster of top fitness and bodybuilding models at NorthAmericanBodies.com!
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