Joe Geibel is a 29 year old bodybuilder from Pennsylvania. He stands 5’9″ tall, and has an offseason weight of 215 lbs. His contest weight is 175 lbs. and Joe has a 31″ waist, 17″ biceps and, 25″ quads. He has been training for 12 yrs. Joe has competed in several bodybuilding contests, including the Mr. SRU (Slippery Rock U.) where he was the Lightweight winner, the 2006 NPC Debbie Kruck where he took 2nd place in the Men’s Open Middleweight Class and the 2011 NPC Citrus Cup Classic where he was the Novice Class Winner and placed 2nd in the Men’s Open Middleweight. Joe played college ice hockey for four years at Slippery Rock University in Pennsylvania. We met and photographed Joe at the Citrus Cup Classic in Orlando. We are pleased to add Joe Geibel to our roster of upcoming bodybuilders and fitness models at NorthAmericanBodies.com!
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