John Dougherty is a 20 year old bodybuilder and fitness model from New Jersey. John stands 5’10” tall and weighs 190 lbs. He has a muscular physique with 17.5″ biceps, 25″ quads, 17″ calves and a 32″ waist. John is an ACE certified personal trainer. He has competed in several bodybuilding competitions, including the 2008 NPC Mid-Atlantic Natural (Teen 1st Place and Men’s Novice Light Heavyweight 1st Place) and the 2008 NPC Teen Nationals (Middleweight: 9th Place). In addition to bodybuilding, John has been involved in other sports including baseball, soccer and basketball while in school. John began seriously training with weights entering freshman year of high school at a whopping weight of 100 lbs! He grew steadily gaining about 20 pounds a year, graduating high school at about 180 lbs. As John entered college after numerous setbacks in training due to injuries incurred while playing soccer, he decided to focus solely on bodybuilding. John reached about 200 lbs before he started dieting for his first show in 2008. Following these contests, John had to recover from some injuries, most notably bad patellar tendonitis in both knees, requiring several months of physical therapy which led him to not compete in 2009. In this off-season he got up to around 215 lbs. and then cut down to around 190 lbs., a good weight for fitness modeling which John has begun to pursue. He does plan to compete again next year as a light heavyweight while continuing to explore fitness modeling opportunities. We are very pleased to add John Dougherty to our roster of upcoming bodybuilders and fitness models at NorthAmericanBodies.com!
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