Josh Facchinello is just 17 yeas old. He stands 6′ tall and has a contest weight of 182 lbs. (195 off season). His biceps measure 16″, chest 45″, waist 31″, thighs 23.25″ and calves 16″. Josh started training when he was twelve and got a lot of motivation from his brother Joel who had just started also. He began with a six days a week program working each muscle twice a week. However, as time passed Josh began to change it. When he was sixteen he switched to a three days a week program working each muscle once a week and noticed that he seemed to make more progress because he felt that he wasn’t as tired as he was previously when in the gym. Josh felt refreshed and ready to workout with the three day a week program. As for rep range, he has always kind of done heavy sets with each set to failure anywhere from 8 reps all the way down to 1 rep. Growing up Josh was always into football. However, during the seventh grade he started getting tired of it. The practices got tiring and just not that fun. However, following the football season during his seventh grade where he played on a city team, he got into lifting weights. Slowly as he continued with lifting he began to look towards actually competing, and with his brother Joel doing the same, it gave him more motivation. Competing and going to the gym seemed like a lot more fun and a lot more rewarding than playing football so his is glad with the decision. Josh has competed in several bodybuilding competitions already, including the 2008 NPC Georgia Championships (1st Place Teen Middleweight), 2009 INBA Team USA (1st Place 13-17 Year Old Age Group), the 2011 NPC Southern States (4th Place Teen Middleweight) and the 2011 NPC Teen Nationals (4th Place Teen Light-Heavyweight). We met Josh and his brother Joel at the Southern States show and photographed them at the Teen Nationals in Pittsburgh. We are very pleased to add Josh Facchinello to our roster of upcoming bodybuilders and fitness models at NorthAmericanBodies.com!
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