Taking the 2007 NPC Teen Nationals by storm was 19 year old Kevin Deiner, a light heavyweight bodybuilder who was competing in his very first bodybuilding contest. This scholastic wrestler had taken the Teen National Championships, and NorthAmericanBodies.com was fortunate to meet Kevin and capture him in our exclusive photographs. Now 20 years old, Kevin in the off-season grows to between 240 and 250 pounds. He competed at 198 pounds. Kevin stands 5’9” tall and has 18 inch bicep and 28″ quads. He expects to compete again next year in the Collegiate Nationals. We are expecting great things from Kevin in the bodybuilding arena, and it is our pleasure to be able to add Kevin Deiner to the roster of top bodybuilders and fitness models at NorthAmericanBodies.com!
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