Lucas Basilio is a personal trainer, fitness model, and athlete from Miami who moved here from Brazil. He has been training for 9 years since age 15. Lucas has competed in NPC bodybuilding and fitness competitions as a Men’s Physique competitor, ultimately earning his Pro Card. In 2018 he competed in the NPC Tim Gardner Extravaganza in Tampa and won the Novice Men’s Physique and 1st in Class C. In 2020 he competed in the NPC Ultimate Grand Prix, placing 1st in Men’s Physique Class D and taking the Overall title. He went on to compete at the 2020 NPC Nationals and again placed 1st, in Class F, and earned his Pro Card. We photographed Lucas at both his shows and after at his gym in Miami. We are very pleased to add Lucas Basilio to our roster of top bodybuilders and fitness models at NorthAmericanBodies.com!
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