Matt Lowden is a 35 year old bodybuilder from Seattle, Washington who has competed in several bodybuilding competitions over the last several years. Matt is 5’10” tall and generally competes as a heavyweight at 220 lbs. with an off-season weight of 250. In 2009, Matt leaned down further to compete as a light heavyweight at the NPC USA Championships, and he was very successful placing 3rd in a very competitive class. We met Matt and had a photoshoot with him in Las Vegas at the 2009 USA’s. Matt has competed previously in the USA’s in 2008, and also the 2002 NPC Team Universe Championships (Middleweight, 5th), 2003 NPC Team Universe Championships (Middleweight, 4th), 2005 NPC Emerald Cup (Middleweight, 4th), and 2008 NPC Emerald Cup (Heavyweight, 1st and Overall Winner). Matt started weightlifting as a means to quit smoking. He believed if he was out of breath from exercise he had less temptation to light up. After spending some time at the gym Matt developed an admiration for many of the more extreme physiques around him. He had never planned to become a competitive bodybuilder and his first competition was one of those things in life he just wanted to say he did. Well after spending the months getting ready and learning all of the intricacies of the sport Matt became in love with the whole process. He was very surprised that this was much more complicated then just lifting weights and eating chicken. Matt has since been a very successful competitive bodybuilder. His favorite body part is quads, and favorite exercise squats, and looking at his photos, you can readily see his amazing quad and glute development. We are very honored to add Matt Lowden to our roster of top bodybuilders and fitness models at NorthAmericanBodies.com!
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