Matt Stolz is a 22 year old bodybuilder from Ohio who now lives and goes to school in Florida. He is 5’8″ tall and weighs 160 lbs. when competing and 195 lbs. in his off-season. He just began testing the competition waters in 2009, at the INBF Buckeye Classic in Ohio, placing 4th in the Middleweight Class, and at the INBF Southern States where was Novice Class Champion and 2nd in his Open Class. In 2010, he did the INBA Sunshine State, and was the Overall Champion. He then competed at the 2010 INBF Southern Classic in Georgia, placing a close 2nd in the Lightweight Class. Matt has been training seriously for the past 3 years and lifting weights for 5 or 6 years. He played baseball and wrestled in high school. Matt would like to continue competing in bodybuilding competitions in order to earn a pro card, and would also like to explore fitness modeling opportunities. We photographed Matt at the beach just a couple of days before his Sunshine State show, and we are very pleased to add Matt Stolz to our roster of upcoming bodybuilders and fitness models at NorthAmericanBodies.com!
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