Max Wettstein has been modeling for 7 years, specializing in fitness, physique, and action-sports print and infomercials. In those seven years Max buildt a lot of experience and credibility and boosted his confidence. Max is at ease in front of the camera and it shows in his photos. He is the Road Runner Sports ‚ÄòUnderwear Guy‚Äô, and is currently working with Hoist Fitness Systems, an international commercial and home gym manufacturer based in San Diego. Max has worked with Next/Designer Proteins, been featured on numerous covers of Men‚Äôs Health and Men‚Äôs Fitness magazines, and worked with many other clients in the fitness industry. Max has been profiled in Men’s Workout, Exercise and Health, Exercise for Men Only magazines. Max also competes in yearly fitness-model competitions: a side-by-side way to benchmark himself against other top models, and always places in the top 3 competitors. Max placed 1st as Male Model and was named as model with Most Potential at the Clark Bartram’s 2007 FAS-Net Pacific show, won 5th place in the 2007 FAME Swimsuit Model competition and won 3rd place at the “World’s Fittest Model” contest presented by Hardbody Entertainment at the 2006 Mr. Olympia show. Max is a Captain for JetBlue airlines and has flown with them for 5 years. He has recently been writing health and fitness articles for the JetBlue pilots‚Äô intranet site, and is recognized by his peers as the resident fitness advisor. His featured articles can be found on this web site, and while the primary intended audience is pilots and their occupational hazards, they can be helpful to anyone who is interested in fitness and physiology. Max also coaches weight-loss groups and “biggest loser” clubs. He always writes from a naturalistic, health-first, vanity-second, point of view. At 6’1″ in height and a weight of 180 lbs, Max maintains a very lean physique with just 5 % body fat. With blonde hair and blue eyes, he wears a 42L jacket and has a 32″ waist. We were able to photograph Max the day after he competed in the 2007 Model America competition in Los Angeles, with the help of a mutual friend named Howard, who sponsored Max for the Model America and also provided our shoot location at his building. One of the shots we took of Max with fellow model James Ellis resulted in the fantastic cover of the 2008 Models of NorthAmericanBodies.com wall calendar. We are very pleased to be able to add Max to the roster of top fitness and bodybuilding models at NorthAmericanBodies.com!
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