Andrew “Mezza” Merrifield is a natural bodybuilder from England. His childhood heroes were the Incredible Hulk and Rocky, so he was either going to pursue bodybuilding or boxing. He chose bodybuilding which he has been working hard at for the past 10 years. This bone-dry shredded athlete traveled to Toronto in 2008 to compete at the FAME World Bodybuilding Championships, which is where we met and photographed him. He is 30 years old and is self-trained. In the Advanced Bodybuilding Class, he placed 2nd. He 5’7″ tall and competes at 157-158 pounds and in the off-season he is around 173-180 pounds Mezza has also competed in Musclemania shows, including 1st Place Lightweight and Overall at the 2006 Musclemania Britain and 3rd Place,Lightweight at the 2006 Musclemania Worlds in Hollywood. Other competitions include 1st Place Novice and Overall Winner at 1998 ANB Yorkshire Championships, 1st Place Middleweight and Overall at 2006 BNBF Central and 1st Place under 78 kg and Overall at 2006 NPA British. You can also find Mezza on his site www.Ultimate-Natural.com. We are looking forward to seeing Mezza compete again in the United States, but for now we are pleased to be able to add Andrew “Mezza” Merrifield to the roster of top bodybuilders and fitness models at NorthAmericanBodies.com!
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