Nick is a 24 years old bodybuilder and fitness model from Ohio. His contest weight is 154 lbs. when competing and off season he weighs 165 lbs. His first competition was the Natural Ohio in 2007 in which Nick placed 6th. He then competed in the Northern Kentucky Bodybuilding Championships in 2008 where he placed 4th, and where we first met Nick. His third contest was a few month later in 2008 at the where he won 1st place in the lightweight class. We photographed Nick the day after this show, so he was in top form for the shoot. Nick is a member of the Marine Corps Reserves and is a veteran of the Iraq War. He currently is a part time personal trainer and would like to get more involved in the fitness industry, including any fitness modeling opportunities that may come his way. As a youth, Nick was involved in wrestling and also football through high school. He has great leg development, which is probably from running high school track and also skiing. Nick had some modeling experience as a child between the ages of 6 and 8 when he modeled for JC Penney. At age 18, he also did some modeling work for Moda Media in Florida. He current goal to compete in a national level show and to achieve his pro card within the next 2 years. We are very pleased to add Nick to the roster of top bodybuilders and fitness models at NorthAmericanBodies.com!
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