Rich is a 26 year old up and coming natural competitive bodybuilder and personal trainer from Columbus, Ohio. He has transformed his physique over the years from a scrawny teenager to a legitimate competitor. He competed at the 2007 Northern Kentucky Bodybuilding Championships, a regional non-tested national qualifier, where we met Rich. He did well, placing an impressive 5th in the welterweight class. A week later, Rich competed in the NPC Natural Ohio where he won the welterweight class. Rich competes at 161 lbs. at a height of 5’8″ (190 lbs. off season). He has great abs and a tiny 29″ waist. And don’t let his weight fool you, Rich is quite strong as he can deadlift 435 lbs. for 8 reps! Rich also competed in drug-tested shows in 2005 at the ONBF Natural Ohio (1st Lightweight Class) and the INBF Cardinal Classic (1st in his class and Overall winner). He began lifting in high school with football and it escalated to bodybuilding after college. Rich is an ACE-certified personal fitness trainer. His immediate goals are to compete further and to get bigger and add at least 15 lbs of muscle to his frame to compete as a middleweight. His longer term goals are to achieve a natural pro card and to become a top-tier trainer in the United States. He was recently signed to Controlled Labs which is providing him sponsorship. We are very pleased to add Rich to the roster of top bodybuilding and fitness models at NorthAmericanBodies.com!
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