Rob Riches is a model, personal trainer and natural bodybuilder. Rob has appeared in Men’s Health, Muscle & Fitness and on the front cover of Healthy for Men. As well as being a sponsored athlete with LA Muscle, Europe’s largest sports and nutrition specialist, he has also won numerous bodybuilding competitions. We met Rob at the 2006 Musclemania World Finals where he won the Junior Lightweight Class. He has only been competing for 18 months, and started when he was just 21. In 2005, Rob competed in the BNBF London Central Qualifier (1st Novice Class), and in 2006 in addition to the Musclemania Worlds, Rob competed in the WNSO Fitness Model Championships (2nd ), BNBF London Central Qualifier (1st Middleweight Class), WABBA Mr. Perfect Contest (2nd), NPA Heart of England Championships (1st Middleweight Class), and Fitness Britain (1st Junior Class). Rob started training after a biking accident. During his rehabilitation he was encouraged to use weights to build the strength back up in his shoulder. This sparked his interest in weights again and at 16 was old enough to start weight training. Rob has blonde hair and green eyes. He has a 41″ chest and 30 ” waist. At a height of 5’10”, Rob weighs between 161-176 lbs. He is hoping to put on more muscle and compete at a heavier weight class in future competitions. We are looking forward to seeing some great things from Rob in the future, and we are pleased to welcome Rob to our roster of top bodybuilders and fitness models at NorthAmericanBodies.com!
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