Ryan is a competitive bodybuilder from Illinois. In 2006 he competed in the Illinois State Bodybuilding Championships, taking 3rd Place in the Lightweight Class. In 2007, at the same contest, he took 1st Place and in the Midwest Ironman he took 1st Place in the both the Open Bantamweight and Novice Lightweight Classes. We met and photographed Ryan at the 2007 Jr. Nationals in Chicago, where he placed 6th in the Lightweight Class. He is 24 years old and at a height of 5’5″ he packs 150 lbs. of hard muscle on that frame. Off Season he gets to 185 lbs. His biceps are his strong feature, measuring 17″. We are pleased to be able to add Ryan Freeman to the roster of bodybuilders and fitness models at NorthAmericanBodies.com!
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