Tony has been competing on the natural bodybuilding scene for several years. He has competed in the BNBF, NPA (won Lightweight and Overall in the Mike Williams Classic, Pro Am and British Finals) and the ANB federations (he won ANB Finals in 2003). Tony also competes in the Musclemania events, including the British Musclemania Championships (placed 2nd), but we most recently saw Tony compete as a Bantamweight in California at the 2006 Musclemania Worlds, where Tony placed 1st in the Bantamweight Class and where NAB photographer Steve Roberts was able to photograph Tony. With his trademarked sliced quads (23″), great biceps (16.75″), small waist (29.5″) and perfect calf development (16″), Tony, whose nickname is “Full Monty”, is the complete natural bodybuilder. He stands 5’5″ tall and weighs about 160 lbs. off season and competes at 140 lbs. Tony has no problem getting into the gym for his training, as he is a gym owner himself. We are pleased to have Tony join the ranks of top bodybuilders and fitness models at NorthAmericanBodies.com!
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