Vladimir is a Soviet bodybuilder who now lives in Las Vegas. He competes in national level bodybuilding competitions, including the 2008 NPC USA Bodybuilding Championships held in Las Vegas, where we met and photographed Vladimir (he placed 6th in the Heavyweight Class). In 2007 he competed at the NPC Jr. Nationals in Chicago where he placed 3rd. He is 38 years old, 5’9″ tall and weighs 220 pounds contest (230 off-season). He is a very well-conditioned athlete with 20″ biceps, a 31″ waist, 50″ chest, 28″ quads, and 17.5″ calves. Part of the reason for his superb conditioning is probably explained by his very athletic background having done gymnastics for 13 years. Born in Moscow, Russia, Sizov started gymnastics at the age of seven. In 1988, he won first place in the USSR gymnastic championship in the team competition. At the age of 20, he joined the Moscow Circus and performed on a high bar act for five years. In 1995, Vladimir signed a contract with Cirque Du Soleil and moved to Las Vegas where he performed on the high bar trapeze for five years on the highly acclaimed Cirque Du Soleil show “Mystere.” He recently starred as a circus trainer and performance partner to the stars on NBC‚Äôs daring new reality show ‚ÄúCelebrity Circus.‚Äù Vladimir has been bodybuilding for 12 years.
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