Yoanner Martinez

Back Yoanner Martinez About Yoanner Martinez is a 28 year old bodybuilder from Florida. He is a personal trainer at Gold’s Gym South Beach. Yoanner stands 5’11” tall and competes at a weight of 196 lbs., and bulks up to 225 lbs. in his off-season. He has a 47″ chest, 18″ biceps, 28″ waist, 17″…

Karl Bodker

Back Karl Bodker About Karl is a 24 year old personal trainer and bodybuilder from Florida. Of Dutch background, Karl now lives in the tropical Keys of Florida, and recently competed in his first bodybuilding competition, the 2009 NPC South Florida District Bodybuilding Championships. We met and photographed Karl at that show and hope to…

Justin Vitrano

Back Justin Vitrano About Justin is a 30 year old competitive bodybuilder from Ohio. He stands 6′ tall and weighs 170-173 lbs. in competitions and 185-195 lbs. in the off season. Justin has a lean, chiseled physique. His measurements are chest 41″, biceps 16 1/2″, forearms 12 1/2″, quads 23 1/2″, calves 15 1/2″, waist…

Ryan L’Ecuyer

Back Ryan L’Ecuyer About Ryan L’Ecuyer is a 19 year old upcoming bodybuilder from Connecticut. He stands 5’10” tall and weighs 176 lbs. in competition. He has a 32″ waist with a 46″ chest. Ryan had an active sports background, wrestling in school before realizing that he was much more passionate about bodybuilding. He realized…

Alex Webb

Back Alex Webb About Alex Webb is an upcoming bodybuilder from New York. A college student, Alex is 20 years old and stands 5’10” tall at a weight of 176 in competition and 210 in the off season. Alex was the running back of his high school football team. He was also into wrestling, where…

Winston Starr

Back Winston Starr About Winston Starr is a bodybuilder and fitness model from Florida. Winston has trained consistently since he was 15 and competed in his first 3 bodybuilding shows in 2010. He had a trainer for the first 2 shows doing a 10 week diet and for the subsequent shows he did the diet…

Jasper Haidari

Back Jasper Haidari About Jasper Haidari is a 25 year old bodybuilder and fitness model from Florida. He’s a big guy, standing 6’4″ tall with a contest weight of 220 lbs, and off season weight of 254 lbs. His measurements are impressive, with biceps at 18.5″, waist 34″, chest 51.5″, quads 25.5″ and calves 17″.…

Antwaun Smith

Back Antwaun Smith About Antwaun Smith is a 25 year old personal trainer, bodybuilder and nutrition advisor from Las Vegas. He has competed in several bodybuilding competitions across the United States. Antwaun is the nephew of IFBB Pro Kevin Levrone and so he is well-acquainted with the industry and under his tutelage learned from childhood…

Gavin Faul

Back Gavin Faul About Gavin Faul is a 19 year old upcoming bodybuilding from Louisiana. We met Gavin at the 2011 NPC Teen Nationals, where he competed as a Middleweight, and took 1st place in his class and 2nd Overall. He had previously competed in the 2009 Louisiana State Bodybuilding Championships in which he was…

Lewis Burdelski

Back Lewis Burdelski About Lewis Burdelski is a 24 year old bodybuilder and fitness model from Florida. He has been weight training for about 5 years. In 2006, he was the Teen Class bodybuilding winner at the Gold Cup Classic. Lewis chose to compete again in 2011 at the NPC Gold Cup, but this time…