Daniel Eslinger is a 29 year old super heavyweight competitive bodybuilder from Clearwater, Florida. Dan got started in bodybuilding my pure mistake. After serving 8 years in the US Army, he completely tore his left shoulder, broke his neck, and partially fractured his left hip in a roadside bomb in Iraq. Subsequently, he started weight training to get movement and muscle memory back into his body and things just took off from there. He is a U.S. Army Master Fitness Instructor and All-Army Powerlifter. Dan has competed in several bodybuilding contests, including the 2009 NPC Panhandle Showdown (4th Place), 2009 NPC Tampa Bay Classic (3rd Place Open Heavyweight Class), 2009 Mid Florida Muscle Classic (4th Place Open Heavyweight Class) and 2010 NPC Atlantic USA Bodybuilding Championships (2nd Place Open Super Heavyweight Class) and 2010 All Armed Forces Bodybuilding Championships (2nd Place Open Heavyweight Class). Dan achieved a national qualification at the Atlantic USA show, and intends to compete in 2011 on a National stage. At 6’3″ in height, Dan weighs around 240 lbs. when competed and bulks to 285 lbs. in the off season. He has a 52″ chest, 20.5″ biceps, 32″ wasit, 30″ quads, 17″ calves and a 20″ neck. Dan played football in high school as a defensive end. We met and photographed Dan at the Armed Forces contest. We are pleased to add Dan Eslinger to our roster of top bodybuilders and fitness models at NorthAmericanBodies.com!
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