Draven Olivera is a fitness model and competitive athlete from Florida, who has served in the United States Marines. Draven has competed in several NPC competitions over the last few years. In 2018 he competed at the NPC Ultimate Grand Prix placing 3rd in both Novice and Open D Men’s Physique. In 2019 he competed twice, in the 2019 NPC Miami Muscle Beach (2nd in Men’s Physique D) and the 2019 NPC Atlantic Coast (1st in Men’s Physique C). With a class win, Draven stepped up to the 2020 NPC Nationals and competed in Men’s Physique. Then is 2022 after rebuilding his physique, he came back strong competing at the 2022 NPC Triumph winning Class D Men’s Physique and his first Overall Win. We photographed Draven at the Triumph show and we look forward to his progress. We are very pleased to add Draven Olivera to our roster of upcoming bodybuilders and fitness models at NorthAmericanBodies.com!
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