Justin Savoie is a massive 25-year-old bodybuilder strength coach and personal coach from Montreal, Canada. He competes in bodybuilding and fitness competitions, at 6’3″ in height and a weight of 245 pounds, which exceeds 300 pounds in the off-season. Justin prefers the Classic Physique Division and recently competed at the 2020 Amateur Olympia in Orlando Florida placing 2nd in Class D Classic Physique, At the 2018 CPA Natural Canada Pro he placed 1st in Classic Physique D, and again at the 2019 Natural Canada Pro Qualifier, Justin placed 1st in Classic Physique D. We photographed Justin in Orlando the morning after the Olympia, and we look forward to Justin’s journey to earn a Pro Card, and are very pleased to add Justin Savoie to our roster of upcoming bodybuilders and fitness models at NorthAmericanBodies.com!
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