Karl is a 24 year old personal trainer and bodybuilder from Florida. Of Dutch background, Karl now lives in the tropical Keys of Florida, and recently competed in his first bodybuilding competition, the 2009 NPC South Florida District Bodybuilding Championships. We met and photographed Karl at that show and hope to photograph him further in the future. Karl did well, placing 3rd in the Novice Heavyweight Class. He stands 5’8″ tall and is 201 lbs. with only 5% bodyfat. He has beefy 18.5″ biceps, a 30.5″ waist, 49.75″ chest, 26.5″ quads and 16.75″ calves. In high school, Karl like so many other bodybuilders did a lot of wrestling. He liked the one-on-one nature of that sport, and while he beat just about everyone he wrestled, Karl decided that his best opponent would be himself! So he started looking to bodybuilding as a new challenge because he would then constantly be competing against the best to do better, but in fact the person he was competing against was himself! So Karl started bodybuilding so the challenge would never end! He has been lifting weights for about 7 years for school sports, wrestling mainly, but started the bodybuilding training style of lifting and lifestyle for about 2 years now and loves it. After his first good showing at the South Florida show, Karl is now looking to compete in national qualifiers and to put on some quality muscle and size to compete as a heavyweight at 220-225 lbs. at about 3-5% bodyfat. We cannot wait to see how that work out. For now, we are very pleased to add Karl Bodker to our roster of upcoming bodybuilders and fitness models at NorthAmericanBodies.com!
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